Friday, May 28, 2010


Well, nightmare, hmmm...... I dun like it either. Last night, I ..... I ...... just watched the movie - A Nightmare on Elm Street. lol  Not I had a a nightmare but I always have beautiful nightmares. ^^

Yesterday night, Adrian suddenly asked me to go out to watch movie with him. It was a shock for me as I always do ask him go out to watch movies but he rejected me, every time I asked. I thought he got free tickets or what. lol. So, I went with him. About 9.30pm, he arrived my home, started heading to Kinta City. Once we reached there, we went to buy the tickets. It was FULL, only left 1st and 2nd rolls. We bought the 2nd roll. Sigh~~~ We still had time, so we walked for awhile, but all the shops were closing the doors. So, we walked to the Jusco part. :D Then 10.30pm went back to cinema there, waiting for the time to pass while enjoying the crowd and talking something and Adrian asked why he cant see any gay couples come to watch movie??  LOL.

Then we entered the cinema, there're two boys sitting beside us. Once we reached the seats, they stared at us for awhile either me. :D I let Adrian sat inside which is beside the boys. They neither gay nor us. LOL. But that boy sitting beside Adrian was so funny as he was scare to watch and covered his eyes with his cap when the horror scenes came out. haha. It's really funny. That movie is quite......scary. I was being scared by some scenes. Shhhh....... ^^

After the movie, it's about 12.35am only. Then we straight away went back home after paying the parking fees.

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