Monday, May 17, 2010

On the way home~~~

After the exam on Saturday, I went back to my room after having lunch with YCW, Esther and Suin at Little Taiwan, blogged for awhile which is a short short blog and slept. I slept till 4.25pm as I promised my sis to go to swim with her after on that time, so, I have to go though I was tired.

After that, went out with Lee Fern, Suin, ShiMin and Esther them, ya, ALL girls except me. Every time go out with them I will feel so weird. LOL. But, 习惯就好. LOL. We went to Amigo to have our last dinner in Diploma-time. :D Everyone was so full. :D Then we went to Mahkota Parade and Dataran Pahlawan as they said wanna shopping and buy something. But, they bought nothing at last. After that, we were discussing where to go. It took a quite long time. Then we were heading to Klebang beach, but when we reached, there's an event , so we dint go. We headed back to town. Then sat on the car round and round the town. Lastly, we ended up by going back to hostel as there's no where we can go anymore.

I was so tired, but I have to clean up and pack my things. Prepare to go back to Ipoh. I slept at about 2.30am that day and I set alarm, wake up at 6am. But I failed to wake up at that time. I woke up at 6.50am and 7am need to start to go to Sentral!!!! I was so shokced. LOL. I washed my face and brushed my teeth asap, luckily I could finish it and go down at 7.05am!! phew~~~

Few minutes later reach Sentral by Taxi. We went there so early as we wanna have out breakfast at McD. :D Suin and Ah Min took 8am bus, they left us and said Bye Bye to me and Esther. It's the first time I took bus with them. The feeling of hearing that Bye Bye is very different. The feel is so weird. We all do not know what will happen in the future. After that, me and Esther just, sat at McD, I was enjoying the coffee while Esther was blogging. It's too boring and we felt so sleepy. 9am, Esther wanna walk around inside the Sentral. So we walked for awhile and we saw Blueberry and "iPhone" by CSL. LOL. Esther took 9.30am bus while mine was 10am bus. After Esther rode on the bus, I was sitting at there listening to my iPod while waiting for the bus.

10am, I was the first person rode on the bus and I was quite happy as my seat was a single seat. :D I saw some Ixorians too and I was shocked that they are Ipoh Mali too! :D 10.10am the bus started, I switched on my iPod and continued it. It's MC's . After that, the bus driver switch the TV set and played The Mummy 3. :D I was enjoying the scene of outside the window, I saw a plane flying down and down, heading to the airport while my iPod was playing Lady Gaga's . I didn't watch the ovie as I watched it During my 1st Semester of Diploma and I remember that time when I went to watch this movie, the next day was my English test of Final exam. LOL. Time goes so fast, and I was leaving Melaka at that moment. Feel like wanna cry and but I didn't. :D

Then I took a nap. Whole journey I slept not ore than an hour. 2.10pm reached Ipoh. I sms-ed to my friends and told them I reached home. :D My dad came to take me home. Then My dad went to Bidor to visit his aunt. I went to have dinner with my mom at Pappa Rich. After that, we went to Jusco to buy something. Then went back home.

Today, woke up at 1.05pm. :D Then washed the car. OMG, I hate to wash the White-color car! Ugh~~~ Then watched drama. 6.40pm Adrian came to give my B'day gift. I can guess what is that once he gave me. LOL. When i unwrapped it, I saw RENOMA this word. LOL. Thx Adrian..

That's all for today!

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