Monday, May 24, 2010

The FIRST week of my Holiday

What've I done in this whole week? Erm.......finished watching a HK drama series, sleep, eat, swim, movie, facebook, youtube and blog. Sigh~~~

Tuesday, Chocolate suddenly said wanna go to swim and it's raining at that time, so, I just rejected him so many times and he still wanted me to go. So, I went. Ian too. Ian came to my home and fetched me at 6pm. It's still raining, a little bit, when we arrived there. There were so crowded. 7.40pm we prepared to leave stadium and go to Burger King which is new opening in Ipoh and it's the first BK which has Drive Thru I've seen before. Even in KL I also never seen before. I heard another news that there's another Drive Thru-BK in Medan Gopeng. Ipoh suddenly got two BK with Drive Thru! Wow! LOL! 8.15pm we reached BK, 8.30pm Adrian and YYM came to meet with us. My old friend- Eric came too. We chatted at there till about 10pm. Then we went back separately.


My home's desktop had broken, my sis's laptop's adapter too, made me cant online!!! Ugh~~~ So, I bought a new laptop adapter at Friday night. Friday morning went to take my new IC with NKW. Luckily my pic inside my IC still looks ok! :D After that, we went to Jusco to have our brunch.'s lunch for me as I ate two pieces of white bread with Raspberry jam which is too sweet for me, that's why I just ate two pieces. 11am reached Kinta City, we sat in The Big Apple, I ordered a cup of Americano, cold, and a free donut. That's my lunch. NKW ordered a claypot rice. After awhile, Tantat arrived and he ordered a plate of chicken rice too. I was surfing the internet by using Tantat's laptop while they were having their meal. :D About 2pm, Ian arrived too as the movie started at 2.10pm, Iron Man 2! It's quite boring except the end of the movie. I was keep asking  Tantat when the movie will be ended and he asked me too. LOL. After the movie, first thing to do - toilet!! LOL. After that, I felt stomach-ache. I thought it was initially but I know what's it, it's gastric, as I just drank a cup of Americano. I's still wondering why as my stomach wasn't empty when I's drinking it. hmmm...... After the movie, we walked around and went to eat something. Me and Tantat went to Food and Tea while the rest in the Foodcourt.

Saturday midnight I was being awoke by my dad as he switched off my air-cond and it's because of the rain. It's was raining heavily. I think the time was about 3am. Then I switched on the fan and sleep again. :D till the morning, woke up at 8am as I need to go to Sunway: The Lost World of Tambun Ipoh  with Chocolate, Adrian, YYM and DevilLoke. It's still raining at 8am, even 8.30am. Adrian came to fetch me at 8.35am and heading to Bercham fetch DevilLoke. It's still raining but not the heavy type. We had our breakfast at Bercham. Then we started to go to Sunway about 10am. (I forgot the time) :D When we arrived there, the door still havent open yet and still need to wait for awhile then only can enter.The weather of that day was very very good! No sun shine at all! It's a very good day. At first we were walking around and enjoying the views of there. We went to a place called Rabbit Wonderland but there're so many typed of cute animals inside including birds.We fed the birds. The worker of there put some birds' food on our hand and the birds flew and stood on our hand. It's so fun.

After that, we went to change our suit and rent the lockers. First, we went to the "hot spring" pool. Like it! :D Then we played around. After swimming, then had our lunch at there. Then played again. Till 5pm, we bathed and went to play the the......what we called that? Games, which can win toys. LOL. I fished a yellow duck and got a Metoo toy which is my sis's favourite! haha! YYM also got one too!
Then, we went back home. My brother and sis-in-law back today to have a wedding dinner of my brother's friend. I had nothing to do, so I continue the HK drama while helping my parents sewing the buttons. After that started to read few pages of the Percy Jackson-The Lighting Thief.

Sunday, nothing special happened. Just test drove my sis-in-law's new car - Persona. Nothing's special with it.

Just left one week-holiday time! OMG! Next Tuesday need to start to work already, till August! Sigh~~~ Nervous~~~

1 comment:

Josheen Ma said...

¥mile^^ really a nice holiday ^^