Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ok, it's time to blog now...

Hi blogspot! Long time no see. :D
Today just finished my final exam which is the last exam of my Diploma, so, there's no any exam in next semester, just presentation as I'm going to have my Industrial Training next semester, in Ipoh till October!!! :D

2 nights, I didn't sleep for two nights! So the brain is still a bit blur blur~~~ After this, I'm going to sleep soon but I have to finish it first.
2 years in Diploma, there's a lot of fun and sadness too. Luckily the sadness is lesser than the happiness. :D I have made some good friends here and some just "broke up". Hmmm.......forget about it.

I had Moral Studies exam during my 20th B'day! OMG! :D After the exam, we went out to have dinner and walked around. Then we found a place for us to have a drink. When I sat on the chair not more than 5 mins, a B'day present appeared in front of me which is in Starbucks bag and I could guess what's inside the bag. OMG! It's my lovely Starbucks Tumbler. Oh My Lady Gaga! Specially THANKS for Esther, Chea Wee, Suin, Shimin and LeeFern. :D I love it so so much. XD Thanks for the DIY B'day card too!! :D
I have no any pictures can upload. So I only can type now. :D

The most sadly is, I still haven't get my laptop back yet! Ugh~~~ Gotta call and scold him!

Too many things I have to remember back and type. Hmmmm..........Oh ya, Congratz to my BFF, Ng Kar Wai, as he is going to NUS to study. Besides that, thanks for his DIY B'day card which was sent to Malacca far away from Ipoh. :P

The week before last week, my parents just came back from China. They bought so less souvenirs back this year as they said China there always raining and so cool, made them sick.

So, today is the last day in MMU during Diploma. I wish all of my friends, happy forever, dun miss me. :D And I wish I can buy an iPhone too after industry training. :D The newest iPhone is coming soon. Wahaha......

So, goodnight.

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