Sunday, June 13, 2010

The June!

June, a new life ever. I started my first job ever in my life at 1st June 2010. I was quite nervous as I've never work before. :D The first day, I was ordered by my supervisor to key the data into computer as they just changed their system, using the new software called ERP System. Ugh......
The next day, next next day till now, still keying in those data. In the same time, I miss MMU so much! :(

June 8, was a big day! LOL! Steve Jobs announced newest iPhone of 2010 - iPhone 4! I think the world world already known this. XD
I quite like it! Therefore, I think I'm gonna buy it this year. Haha... There are a lot of new features for the iPhone 4! It's quite amazing! It ate my heart!!! Haha~~

I really hope that it will be more cheaper in Malaysia, I mean the price! At least not more than RM2K, that's enough! Please~~~~ I really really really wanna buy it!!!

During the same day, Lady Gaga's new single - Alejandro, the official music video released! It amazed me too! It's so....artistic!

This MV, I think everyone has already watched too as it's a video of Lady Gaga! haha......
Don't call my name, don't call my name, Alejandro.......
By the way, this MV was being teased by some people. I don't know the reasons, I just know this is ART. :D

Not the same day, but recently, both suerstars, Celine Dion and Mariah Carey are pregnant and having Twins!! Ya, both are having twin babies. Wow~~!! Congratz!! But do not forget to sing, especially Mariah Carey! We're waiting for your new album!!! Gambateh! XD

Oh ya, FIFA World Cup just started. Who will win this year? LOL.I just wanna know the final result though I don't watch footballs. Haha.....

1 comment:

JasonHins said...

i like d sexy black bra wif gun in front tht wore by lady gaga...can i hav one wif gun oso but longer than tht wore by lady gaga?!...for self defence! >,<