Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year eve and New Year.

9pm started to go out. There're a lot of people went out and traffic was so jam that night.
Initially we wanna go to Station 1 but there're really too crowded, not enough seats for us, so we changed the venue to The Browns Cafe.
12am, 1st Jan 2010, suddenly we heard the fireworks' sound. Then ran out to see the fireworks. lol

We dismissed at 1.30am.

During the same, my whole family went to Kepong for a dinner to celebrate my grandma's b'day. We ate 盘菜 and others food.

Below are the Soup and the 盘菜.

This 盘菜 is not really so tasty lah. My sis said Ipoh's 盘菜 is more tasty wor. But is different type. The 盘菜 of above is mixed by mushrooms abolones canned pork and other things. The taste of it is quite weird. lol

After the dinner, we striaght away went back to Ipoh.

Happy New Year!!!! =]

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