Tuesday, December 29, 2009

After the Final Exam.......

After two weeks, finally can rest for awhile already! Yeah!

Last Thursday was my last day of the final exam of this sem. haha.
Everyone's happy after the minute we've done the paper.
I'm quite worrying about my exam's result, as there're a lot of questions that I do not know how to do! :(

Friday went back to Ipoh by bus! :( So scare! lol
Friday night, Lik Ye's B'day. Celebrated at TOS, a new cafe.
The place is so beautiful! lol

Saturday, woke up, then had a hair cut, then made up, then started to go to Grandma's house at Lenggong for my cousin's wedding dinner.

Sunday evening, bathed, made up, then started to go to the wedding's dinner. lol
After the dinner, chated for awhile then started to go back to Ipoh already!

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