Monday, July 5, 2010

It's July!

Time goes so fast, I've been having my industrial training for a month already. I ended the June by working and working inside the office. Everythings are repeating everyday, wake up at 7.30am every morning, 8am starts to drive to office which takes me 20-minute long to reach there; work till 5.30pm, 5.50pm reach home, facebook, Windows Live Messenger, Youtube, iTunes, 10pm watch TV, 11pm head to bed. All these reapeat and repeat except Saturdays and Sundays. Saturdays work till 1pm. :D

3rd July, it's the FIRST time I got my salary in my life! UNBELIEVABLE! LOL!!! Well, I ain't gonna use it and I'll keep it for iPhone 4!!! XD Wish my dream will come true! iPhone 4, please come to me! LOL!

4th July, most of my friends who just finished Form 6, all has gone to their University separately! :( Sigh~~ wish them have a good future. =]

I do not like to work actually, it's so damn boring at the office! But, I must bear! For iPhone! Everyday I tell myself, work then will have iPhone! So that I'll work for it, happily everyday! :P

I wish I could go back to Malacca to study asap! :(

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