Thursday, August 13, 2009

Holiday till recently~~~~~

H1N1 is quite very serious in Malaysia, especially in Malacca! Sigh~~!!! But MMU still haven't close yet! 3rd August, I had a-week-midterm break. That day, 3rd Aug, Monday, when I woke up, I felt very uncomfortable, felt very sick! I was sick for 2 days. Monday I took the medecine still very sick, I still couldn't allay the fever untill Tuesday morning my body's temperature finally became normal already. Phew~~~!! :D

Friday night, I went out with my friends. We went to Kinta City to watch G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra. It's a very nice movie and very excited!! :D Love it! I give this movie 5 stars!! lol

Then, Sunday afternoon after lunch, we started to go back to Malacca! Sigh! On the way, is very peaceful but after we reached the Negeri Sembilan, there were a cow running on the high way and there were some workers of PLUS chasing it too! So the cow made the high way traffic jam! lol ............... I think the cow was lost!! So pity the cow!! lol


After a week holiday, I felt so lazy to go to school as there are so many assignments are waiting for me!!! =.= Then, on that day, I only know that most of my friends were sick after they went back to hometown during holiday including me!! lol One of my friend was quarantined by hospital!! lol He's the most lucky one!! Monday night, we had our MUET tuition. After that We went to sing at Dreambox from 11pm till 2am!! After that, I lost my voice at that moment! :D

Tuesday, nothing special happened on that day but at night we went out to celebrate my friend's b'day! We never tell her we want to celebrate her b'day, so when we started to go, I saw her wore so very................. lol! Actually I did ask her to wear more nicer but she still very say don't wanna wear nicer! haiz............. 7.30pm I went down to first floow to wait for my friends, after awhile 7.45pm the Ixora suddenly power cut! the whole building was very dark, but the Ixora have the spare electric for the corridors and the staircases! It's very fun too! All the boys were screaming at that time and on the torch light to the girls' block!! And cameras too! they just want to make the lights!! lol the whole building became a bling bling apartment!! haha! Luckily That time we wanted to start to go out already!! haha! We went to the Mahkota Parade first as my friend who was the heroine on that day wanna go to buy new shirts and change! Actually they ask her go to buy new shirts for her b'day present but she still very blur as they didn't tell her that's her b'day present! Then after she finished choosing, she pay it for herself! lol She was still so blur and dunno what happen! Then we went to Friends Cafe to have our dinner!!! I was very hungry and the Chicken Chop which I ordered is too small for me and I was not full at all!! =.= They bought a Sushi set as b'day cake (as we all dislike cake) lol!!! We went to McD to celebrate!! When we reached the McD, She still dunno what happen! haha! We asked her to go buy the cokes for us, then they took the sushi and hide it from her sight!! haha! After chatting for awhile, we only took the sushi set come out and sing Happy Birthday to her!!

The sushi set!!


We signed and commented on this sushi dish!!! lol

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