Monday, July 27, 2009

MUET Tuition

Today is my first time tuition outside my Hometown! :D
It's quite fun too!
When I reached the tuition, I was shocked by the place! I think if I walk alone at there, I will feel so scare! It's like a hostel, under have shops and the house is very very straitness originally but the tutor still wanna put a lot of things inside the house!! omg! I can't believe that I will tuition at that king of place! lol
I entered to the class and the first thing I saw is the SHARP LCD TV!!! He use a mini laptop and convert the screen to the LCD TV!! It's quite fun too! lol

The tutor only taught us the tenses and did a Fill in the blank (MCQ)! I did 3 mistakes of 15 questions!! :( The tenses also very simple! lol
Actually it's quite boring too! haha! I'm not proud, ok?!!
There's only one thing that I dun like at there - my seat is very narrow!!! Sigh!! It doesn't mean that I'm too big, ok?!! :P
After that, we went to mamak then go back to apartment.


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