Saturday, August 22, 2009

This whole week~~

Monday 17th Aug, nothing special happen. Just prepared our presentation slides for our presentation which is on Tuesday


Tuesday 10am, our group presented after the first group presented their Business Plan. Our Business Plan was planned to open a Study House (Library + Cafe) while the first group's Business Plan was WASS Cafe which is only a cafe(nothing special) lol............... I didn't prepare for this presentation actually, it's my first time to feel that this presentation is nothing can be prepared. During my presentation, I was just speaking about what I saw in the slides immediately from my brain! lol cool right? No 'lyrics" at all !! :D

After the preseantation, we took some pictures. :D

That day was Ah Joo's bday(the black shirt girl - Joo Joo)! Actually we celebrated her bday last Tuesday. haha. So that day we dint celebrate her bday loh. That day was her bday and she likes to eat chicken so so much. That whole day we ate chicken with her. Lunch we went to Batu Brendam ate Chicken Rice Ball. It's quite cheap too but the taste also as cheap as the price! Muahaha~~~~!!!!

After lunch we went back to our apartment and I slept from 1pm till 4pm. I have been so long long time didn't sleep so well! :D Then go to Multimedia class at 5pm. After that class, we went to KFC for our dinner. Chicken again!!! haha!!Speaking of KFC, I feel quite mad!!! Becuase of the Shrimp Stix!!!

See, how big how "big" is it the Shrimp Stix!!! The advertisement's picture of this shrimp stix is very big but the real shrimp stix...........................!!! Dammit!!! ><>


Wednesday, so many classes today! I really hate Wednesday actually for this sem only! :D
Business Ethics midterm test started at 8pm. I memorised something but when I saw the exam paper I was shocked as the structure dint come out what I'd memorise!!


Thursday, tonight after class. We decided to have a steamboat at Ixora 1st floor! After class we went to Tesco buy some food then go to back prepare. We walked at the Tesco for more than an hour! omg! so tired and hungry at that moment!! lol We bought the Tesco's Choice Crab Ball! It's really yuck as all made by the flour!! lol And the prawn, we bought a pack! no shell one the prawns!! so we chose it!! It's so smelly and taste bad! We ate a little bit only then threw it away already! haha! Crab Ball cant finish also threw it!! haha! the Steamboat start from 9pm till 12am!! I was so full !!!!


Friday, woke up at 11.50am then watch HK drama. I went to foodcourt to buy my lunch then after finishing my lunch then I started to blog! Blog till half, Then Esther called to me and asked me whether wanna go to shopping or not? with her and Siang. :D Sure I accpeted her invitation as I need air cond and I was feeling so bored too! :D Esther wanna buy shoes, so we walked walked walked then finally she bought a pair of shoes. Siang and me just accompany her! lol Then we decided to find a place to sit down, have a drink and start to gossip!! Haha!! We chatted till 7pm then they wanna go back already as the Esther is going back to hometown and she need to go back to pack her things!! Then suddenly my sister called me whether wanna go out to have dinner or not, then I told her I'm at outside already and I wanna eat too. So, two of them just left me alone at the Dataran Phalawan there as I wanna wait for my sister them!! :( Then I was walking around, walked into Padini and I saw SEED has released some new bags, it's very nice but I think mine SEED bag is not bad too! haha!! Then I went to another place. I walk to a watch store and I bought a nice watch while I was waiting for my sister them. Haha. Sounds like I'm a shopaholic! Actually I'm not!!

It's very very cheap only. lol Hope can last longer! haha! But I know it wont!! lol
After finished our dinner at Porridge Village, then we went to watch the District 9!!! :D

It's not bad too but I still prefer G.I. Joe compared with this!! lol

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