Saturday, January 10, 2009

On the way home..................reached Ipoh

10th January! I've been waiting for this long time ago! 9am start my Macroeconomics exam! OMG I was so nervous! Then after that when I was doing the questions I found that it's quite ok lah the questions! Structural part still quite easy haha! I was so happy! And I left the exam hall at 10.20am (exam time 9am-11am)! Then i Rush back to my room to pack my things!

12pm start our journey to One Utama! 2.15pm like that we reached at OneU then had our lunch at Dragon i ! OMG I spent RM26 for my lunch! lol After lunch then we were walking around the OneU! It was quite boring too as e dun have anything to buy!Sigh!
The picture above shows me and YYM having lunch in the Dragon i ! lol

5pm start to go back to Ipoh! 5.45pm on the high-way! 7.25pm reached my home!

When i reach my home I saw a Chinese New Year greeting card and it's from Adrian Lee! OMG! I was so surprise when I opened it! It's so beautiful as it consist of "my picture" inside the card! lol! Thanks so very much Adrian Lee!!The picture below shows the card!

1 comment:

playnate said...

u tolf me at first u wanna goto sony on saturday.. mana tahu u 7pm baru go home.. haha

26 for a lunch? WOW.. u guys really know how to enjoy