Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Ballads- Mariah Carey's album..........

It is a contest to win an iPod Nano and The Ballads CD from Mariah Carey! OMG!
I hope I can win this! iPod Nano! I want!

The contest's questions are list down 5 songs from the Ballads( which is too easy for me coz it can be found in Wikipedia lol) and complete a sentence not more than 15 words!

The sentence is>>>>>>>>>>>>>
The Ballads is Mariah Carey’s best album yet because.................................

Oh ya! This contest is NKW found for me frm New Straits Time!
Then today I asked my sister to help me buy the Tuesday Newspaper! haha!

I really wish I can win this!!!! Oh Buddha! PLEASE BLESS ME!!


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