Thursday, January 1, 2009

Review of 2008's memories :D

Erm......... First, this review is about what I've done in 2008!
January >> I was always going out with my friends, watching movies and walking around! lol
February >> CNY haha! I love CNY coz can get many ang paus!
March >> OMG! SPM result released! That day I was so sad! But my friends, they were so happy!
April >> Applying MMU!
May >> OMG! 7th May is my Birthday! But no one celebrate with me! :( and my friends celebrated it with me on 9th May! Sigh! But I was so happy coz they bought me E=MC² OMG I love this present so very much!
June >> Preparing to enter MMU to study! 8th Jun I reached MMU! That day I was missing my parents, family and all my friends! My friends all are studying F6 in Ipoh and they are so happy! But I...... so lonely.......... T_T
July >> MMU's life quite ok lah not so bad! But have many presentations and I really hate presentations!
August >> I had a midterm break in this month! Nothing special happened in this month! Oh ya! One thing that I can't forget it! That is I had a free dinner in a Japanese restaurant with all my dear friends! haha! I was so happy that night! after dinner we went to play bowling at Ipoh Parade!
September >> Presentation again and preparing for final exam!!!
October >> having final exam at that time for two weeks!! then .......... semester break started for 3 weeks!!
November >> Wow! November! 1st-4th November I will never ever forget about these few days! I went to KL for 4d3n! shopping at KL, went to Sunway Lagoon and KLCC Aquaria! and that was the first time i rode public bus. monorail,KTM and LRT in KL as most of the time I go to KL with my parents so we don't have to ride bus! lol! Besides that, we ate a lot of foods at KL too! first meal was in the foodcourt in The Garden, that foodcourt's foos is so expensive and Pavilion foodcourt too! and we also ate McD, PizzaHut, Fish Market and Nandos! all are very expensive! OMG! We all spent more than RM500 each person! OMG RM500 to buy our 4-days-happiness!!! Do you think it's worth?? After that trip then my classes started again!
December >> Studying, doing assignments, Mapling and sleeping! lol! and I went back home at x'mas although we didn't celebrate it! 28th Dec was my grandmom's Birthday! My mom and my aunts cooked a lot of food and bought a Secret Recipe cake! Wow, that night our stomach are very very fulled! We can't even finish the food! Then the next day I came back to Malacca already! The last of 2008 31st Dec, I had an assignment like a meeting with my group members! Fortunately I could speak very well at that moment, haha, at least my lecturer didn't say that I was so quiet! lol! Ya, I can speak!! Then after that I continued my Maple lol ! Then go out to watch Bedtime Stories! Before the movie start! We had our dinner at Shibaraku, that day was very speacial as we can eat mny types of sushi and other days don't have so many! I think only X'mas day till 1st Jan only have such so many sushi! Then our movie started! The Bedtime Stories was so funny! I love it! Bedtime Stories!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh ya! that night! So many people rode motorbike on the road and the traffic was very jammed in Malacca haha!!!! Happy New Year 2009!! :D

1 comment:

playnate said...

always say we r happy.. =.= u baru happy la...
nov din mention u goto kl to avoid my bday party =.= haha
happy new yr to u too dude