Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Finally, I got it!

Long time dint blog ..........this is just because of I'm having the final exam! Now still left one paper which is on tomorrow. HR! After is my holiday for two weeks! yeah!

Last year 9th May 2008. My friends celebrated my birthday with me. They gave me a present which is my lovely E=MC2 album CD!! :D I really like it so much! haha!

E=MC2 is free. So I'm so happy to own it! :D lol

June 2008, my brother bought a DVD. It's my favourite DVD too! That is The Adventures of Mimi. It's really cool and nice to watch! :D

I really like this DVD. Everytime I go back to Ipoh, I must watch it once! Opps.I'm gonna watch it too on this coming holiday!! haha!

But this year, 6th October 2009. I have to spend my own money to buy the Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel! It's a beautiful album! :D Songs r beautiful as well.
I've been searching for it almost everyday since 29th September till 6th October! Yeah! 6th Oct is my roommate's bday too! haha! But this Memoirs sure is not for him! LOL

For more pictures of this Memoirs album, please click here!

My friend took this pic for as I'm too happy! :D

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