Friday, October 9, 2009

After the final exam.............

Thursday was my last day of the final exam! :D After finished doing that paper, everyone's so happy and was planning to somewhere else to celebrate it! lol
We were going out to have our dinner. We saw the Media Corp was shooting a drama in front of a Temple of Melaka while we were on the way to Dataran Phalawan.
Well, this is the first I saw people's shooting drama. lol

We suggested so many places but still cant decide to go where as there are too many choices, but we were inside the Dataran Pahlawan already. So just walk around while we were thinking about it. :D

Opps...... when we first reached there, we passed thru the Big Apple Donuts! haha! Then we decided to buy it. We bought 6 only!

I've been a long long time dint eat Big Apple's donuts! It's so yummy and so many new flavours! :D

Then, we continue to walk while waiting for the others. After an hour then we only can sit down and have our dinner and we were very starving!
We had our lunch in ZEN!

After dinner. those girls went to shopping ..............=.=

After that, we were standing at a side and discussing where should be our next destination while the DP is closing. We discussed so long time, still no answer. Then, we went to take cars and discuss at outside. Finally, they decided to go to Eleven, which is a gay bar. OMG! The Chinese's name of the bar is called 十一哥! lol

For me, it's looked like a cafe more than a bar. It's so lame and no people was there. lol This is because of that day is Thursday, therefore, sure no people were there. i almost fall alseep at there! lol After that, we went back to sleep already.

And the next day, I'll be back to Ipoh! :D

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