Thursday, September 10, 2009


090909 is a very special day! :D

We decided to go out to have fun for a whole day. :D
We all are singles(in our gang but one of us has bf already but her bf is not our gang so not included!! lol)
First of all, I need to go to buy my new shoe as my NIKE's bottom broke off already! :(
I need to wait till I go back to home only can stick it back!! Sigh~~ NIKE!!!!
So, that day, when we reached DP, the first thing I do was............. go to see where have nice shoes can buy! :D
Finally I bought it! haha! Actually I asked my mom whether I can buy new shoe or not?(I think was 2 weeks ago) and she said do not buy first! lol
But now really need to buy it if not I wear nothing. :(
My first DC Shoe

OMG OMG OMG! I was so surprise that I can search this brand in Wikipedia. I thought it's a cheap brand! lol Unbelievable! haha! It's from Vista, CA! :D

Then, we went to have our lunch at Wong Kok. :D
After lunch, we went to Dream Box sing K! :D from 3pm-7pm

Then 7.30pm go to GSC watch The Unbelievable(怪谈)!!! OMG! It's damn disgusting till wanna vomit!!! and a bit scare lah of coz! haha! At the last part, the host went to Ipoh! Then, when they mentioned "Ipoh" this word, all of my friends were looking at me!! lol I was shocked too! haha

After that, we went to Porridge Village to have our dinner at 10pm++. It's was a wonderful day as we sang, we watched, we ate and I shopped!! haha! LOL

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