Sunday, March 1, 2009


Last Friday 6pm we started to go to KL from Malacca! 7.30pm like that reached Damansara!:D fast right?

then We went to PJ ate Western Food! I ate Grilled Fish! I dunno how much the price lah as Fai's bro paid the bill not me! haha!

then Saturday 4-30pm my parents and my sister reached Kepong from Ipoh! The we went to visit's brother's new Semi-D! actually I'm not really like that house! haha!

We stay at there almost till 7pm because that time was raining so heavily!

After that we decided to go to Mid Valley to have our dinner!

When we reached there, my dad said go to foodcourt eat coz it's cheaper! But my brother told him that the foodcourt also very expensive one in KL! Then he said go to Dragon -i loh! When we reached there, there were so many people having dinner at there! OMG! We can't wait already so we go to another place! The restaurant erm....... I dint see its name! lol! but beside it,is a shop which sell Japanese's imported products! The shop named 正直屋! My sis bought us some ice-cream at there! we all share share lah! I chose a Mo Cha(抹茶)! It's only cost RM4.90 and it's so very delicious! Yummy! actually we went to this shop while we were waiting to be seated -the resaurant!! Then still so many people and we dun wanna wait already,therefore we dicided to go to foodcourt to have our dinner!!! Sigh! I ate western food too! Saefood Platter costed RM19.90! This is the first time I paid myself for my dinner when I go to Kl with my family! :(

The picture above shows my dinner at Mid Valley! Saefood Platter and the 抹茶 Ice-cream!

For your infomation! please do not order seafood platter to eat because it's nothing special and I think we can make it ourselves! Home make is better than it! I was so regret to order this!

Next day,Sunday, means today! My mother, my sisters and me went to OneU! My dad went to his friends' gathering and y brother went to work already! So we went there by ourselves! We had our Brunch at Sushi King there! after that we walk around! I was so sad that time because all the branded shops such as PADINI,ESPRIT,TOPMAN and so on.....all has discount! 30% 50% 70%! OMG! I cant bear it! and I saw a short pant in SODA/VOIR shop! Its original price is RM89 and it has 50% discount! but............ unfortunately there's only left one white colour! not my size as I'm too thin! XD! So we bought nothing at there! Sigh! T_T sob!

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