Monday, March 1, 2010


Friday woke up at 11am, doing nothing. About 1pm went to Jusco to have lunch at McD. Last time to enjoy the Prosperity Burger. :D After taking shower, 5pm started to go to KL. 7pm reached Damansara, waiting for Fai's brother to pack. 7.30pm reached at the new house of Fai's brother. We're gonna stay at there. 9pm my brother finished his work, then came to bring us to have dinner. We had our dinner at 10.30pm, at the Camp Forest, a vegetarian food restaurant. We ordered a lot of food. :D
Those "meats" are really looked so real! This is the most tasty vagetarian food that I ever had before. Haha. After that, we all were so full already. But we still going to Honey Moon to have our dessert.

After that, we went back home to sleep at 12am.


The next day, Saturday, woke up at 9am as I couldn't sleep well. Then went to have our breakfast. Then, we went to Ikea at 12noon. We had lunch at Shi Lin, inisde the Ikea underground.
After having lunch, we separated to walk. Me and Fai went to Ikano, All IT. After All IT, we went to Pet Shop too. There're so many aquariums, so beautiful. There's some doggies too. They are so cute. I saw one called Chow Chow, is the most cute one though it's a liitle big. It's too expensive, RM4699. Sigh~~ if not, sure I'll buy one! haha! After that, we went back to Ikea to meet them. On the way back to Ikea, a Macy Furniture's worker gave me a balloon, and Fai too. Do I look like a child? =.= Haha. I was so shock too. Then we continued back to Ikea. My family reached to KL fro Ipoh at this time. Fai's brother brought us to meet with my family at Kepong. After that, we had our dinner with my uncle and his family. After dinner, we went to my bro's friend's new house for a visit. ^^ It's an apartment called Ixora too. =.=


Sunday morning, woke up at 8am, prepared go to have breakfast with my another uncle. Then we went to Jusco Kepong to meet with my sis. After that, we went to my bro's new house to discuss about the renovation of the house. It took so so long time and the damn weather was so hot too. from 12noon till 4pm. It's gonna rain at that moment. Then some of us went to have lunch, then come back again. =.= 6pm, finally can go back to Melaka. I was sleeping inside the car during the whole journey back to Melaka. When I woke up, reached Melaka tol, A Bently was beside us. It's really so beautiful! I think , I think it's a Bently Mulsanne. The car number is CXX 1, it's not a normal citizen in M'sia. 9pm, having my breads as dinner. Then my friends suddenly asked me to go out to celebrate SM and LF's bday. We celebrated it at Gogo Cafe. Then we went to Klebang. We lighted up two Sky Lantern. We made some wishes. :D
After that, we went back at 2am. Yawn~~~ But it's fun as it's my first time to play Sky Lantern.

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