Monday, November 9, 2009

These few days...

Classes are started already, not really free to update tha blog too. this sem is the short sem, all the everyday have to wake up at 8am and fully booked by all subjects. Non-stopping. :( Have to ettend the class from the early morning till the evening. So tire.
When reached Thursday, everyone is very happy, including me. This is just because of Friday, we all have no classes on Fridays.
Last Friday, I was so shocked by hearing a bad bad news from my friends. I heard that bad news on the Friday night but that bad news was happened on the afternoon. Everyone was so shocked, really. It classmate-Chee Win was passed away suddenly caused by asthma. OMG. I really thought it was a joke. That day inside the class, he was very....well too. Sigh......! His good friends and family sure very sad about it.
Please cherish everyone that you love, your friends , family and so on. Life is short.
I was thinking about it the whole night.... how could this happen??
Chee Win, wish you rest in peace.


Saturday, I have to wake up early in the morning I was going to have my MUET test at 7.30am.
I was so sleepy during the exam. First paper was Reading. I was so tired and sleepy to read the whole paper. OMG. I forced myself to finish reading it. lol
The writing title was " People commit crime for selfish reasons". =.= What should I write? omg. I just wrote the reasons about why people will do crime. lol.
After the MUET, went back to my room and watch 宫心计 while having my lunch box. :D
After that took a nap. 5.30pm went out to prepare for celebrating Josh Ikanmasin's bday. The traffic was so jam and luckily we all started to go earlier.
Went to Music Cafe to celebrate his bday. 8pm we sat at there, surfing the net while waiting for him to come. We all brought our laptops to there. haha.

The photographer of the cafe helped us to take this photo.
This cafe is quite ok too. The services of them are very good and the most important thing is, no service charges or taxes! haha!

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