Monday, June 1, 2009

Holiday is just started!

Friday 29th May, after the last paper of my final exam-Web Design, then we started go back to Ipoh! I was so happy, walking back to my room and pack my things till 11am as we decided 11am start to go back to Ipoh! But....................=.=
the YYM! Do know you what he'd done?! He was sleeping till 11am without packaging his dirty things! Before 11am, I did sms him to ask him to prepare at 10.35am! Then no respond! then 10.45am I sms him again! then still no respond! After I took my things down to the car then I called him again! Still no respond! Then I was so mad and straight go up to him unit! I pressed the bell over 20 times! Finally someone who is YYM's housemate open the door for me but not him as he's sleeping! When I opened his room's door, then he said:" Oh My God! " =.=! I was really so angry as everyone was waiting for him! JUST him! What the...........! Then I helped him to take his PC and his things down to my room as next sem he is going to be my roommate! That's y we were so mad as he gotta move down to my room but he's sleeping at that time! After an hour later we finished helping him move all his dirty things! Sigh!

When he came down then he went to the apartment's office give back his keys to the managment! Then he came back and told Fai that he also need to return his keys to the management! Then Fai went to return his keys again! But the management said Fai need to move all his things from his previous bed! ALL! Then they went to ask why he need to do that loh! then still he need to move too! It took an hour AGAIN! Fai just move all his things to my bed! Sigh! Sigh! Sigh!
2pm we went to have our brunch at McD again! Why I said " again"? haha! As we also had our supper at McD at the night of 28th May(before the day go back)! Sigh!
Finally, we reached Ipoh at 6pm! Yeah! lol
That night i was watching the Good Girl Gone Bad Live DVD using with the Bravia! haha! It's so clear! haha! When my dad asked me how much is it the DVD? Then I told him it's RM50. Then he replied me :"such so expensive DVD you also wanna buy huh?"! Then I said it's discount already! if not need RM55++! lol

Then the next day- Saturday, me, my big sis & her bf, and two cousins went ot Sunway Lagoon The Lost World of Tambun. Why we go there? Just because my cousin has the discount coupon! haha! only RM19.90 per person! If no discount then I think I won't go too! haha!

It's really so lame at there! really! haha! but the Hot Spring is really so nice! It was my first time go to The Lost World and dunk in hot spring too! lol ! 10am we reched there, play play play and play till 2pm leave there! At night the Hoh Family invited us to have a dinner with them at the Mun Zhong! haha! free dinner! :D

Sunday I was watching the 帝女花 HK Drama whole day! Dinner went outside eat! Then went to Kinta City enjoy air-cond then go back!

Today is an unlucky, as....................................................... I crashed the front door of my house! :( sigh! and the right hand side's door can't move already! T_T! my mom said Saturday she predicted it that I will crash something when I drive car wor! but dunno when only!Sigh! what an unlucky day! :(

1 comment:

playnate said...

wah so clumsy. u too long din drive car dy. remind me NOT to let u drive my vios. haha

omg yym sleep with u? OMFG