Thursday, April 23, 2009


Last night, ermm..... actually is the early early early morning today 12am!
Me and my classmates after class,
we went to Capitor Satay Celup then we went to watch movie at 12am!
We watched a GHOST movie-Coming Soon which is a Thai ghost movie!
It's the first time I watch ghost movie in the cinema somemore at 12am!
Do you know what is it about of this movie?
It's about an actor who is dead during acting a ghost movie!
Walau! So scary!
As this ghost appears inside the theater and brings the people who watched her movie into her movie then kill them inside the movie!
It's really really so scary!
Haha! Luckily I didn't scream as all of the audiences screamed including my friends! LOL!
Next time go to watch ghost movie again in cinema again 'cause it's really so high! haha!
Just kidding! XD

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