Wednesday, July 9, 2008

One month passed............

Already passed one month in the Multimedia University! I'm feeling very happy that I can still survive in MMU! Nothing special with this school too!! All the lecturers are very nice to us!!! they always smile while teaching us !! haha!! But one thing they gave us a lot of work to do!! And why the MMU always got so many test?? I just started study at here but then now got exam already!! Just one month!!! My friends who are studying F6 at ACS also haven't got any exam yet but only coming soon!! OK lah ! I'll try my best to finish the exam and get a good result lah !!

Opps! forgot to congrats my friends(F6 friends)! Cause they finally can change the class to Social Class!! Is it called Social Class?? The LCH told me that it's called Social class!! Aiya whatever lah!

1st of August only got a Mid Trimester Break for one week!! Only one week!!! OMG!!
Wish myself good luck lah in MMU!!

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