My last year as a TEENager!!!! T_T!
During that day, my birthday, my first "present" was Maxis gave me!
FREE voice call Maxis to Maxis! HaHa!
12.10am I opened my 2nd Bday Present which I chose and bought it by myself but not using my money! My sisters paid for me!
It's bought on Sunday,2nd May, but I 7th May only Open it!
It's from my favourite brand-SUBZERO!
7th May dinner we had it at Shusi King! During that time my mom was calling me said:" Where r u now?"
me: " I'm having dinner now!"
Mom:"At where?"
me:" Shusi King loh!"
Mom:" Wah, eat so expensive again?"
Then I replied:" Today is my Birthday mah!"
Mom:" Really? Ya wor! Today is ur birthday wor! then Happy Birthday lah!"
after that I'm sure I'll ask her for my present lah! Haha!
After Shusi King my roommate-Fai said he wanna treat me eat a piece of cake of Secret Recipe!Then we walked in the Secret Recipe then I said I wanna eat Classic Cheese! Then he replied me:" Classic Cheese is not nice to eat lah! Too many cream!"
but I still wanna choose it!
Then he STILL didn't allow me to choose wor!
It's very tasty too! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Then the next day-Friday! We started to go back too Ipoh at 11.30am! Started at that time but almost 2pm only started go to Highway! As We need to go to Nadeje to take my Birthday cake and Mother's Day's cake! It's a Layer cake!
6pm we only reached Ipoh! Then after dinner Ah Hean came to my shop and fetch me to go to watch movie at Kinta City! Hean, Tantat, Fox and me, 4 handsome guys! haha! Watch X-Men till 11.30pm then go to Old Town Kopitiam!
Saturday morning I woke up after cleaning the table and the furnitures of my house then I went to bath to prepare to go out! No one wanna fetch me to go out and my sister didn't allow me to drive her car! Then I asked NKW whether can fetch me or not loh! Then I couldn't believe that He will reject me! I was so sad! Then I ask Adrian Lee loh! He helped me to ask WKH! Then he said after 20mins he will reach my home! Of coz they wont be so punctually lah! haha! We went to David's Diner with NKW,LCH,WKH and Ah Loke!
Last year 2008! My friends celebrate my birthday with me on 9th May! This year same as well, 9th May! :D
I ordered Mexican Beef Burger!
After the meal! My friends bought me two slides of Secret Recipe cakes!(Secret again! so lame) although It's just two slides of cakes but still I'm very appreciate it! Really! Thanks to you guys!Saturday night we celebrate Mother's day in home! We shot some photos and enjoy the layer cake!
Armani Exhange! Do you guys know about this brand??
My parents bought me this nice AX shirt from BeiJing! I have never thought that I would have this brand's shirt now! OMG! I really love it so so much! haha!
Besides this! My mom also bought a lot things about BeiJing 2008, such as FuWa and so on!
Opps maybe my house is going to have a new TV within this month ! Yeah!
Now have to study! 20th May is my first day of my Final Exam 3rd Trimester!
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